Changing Ireland Accelerator
Supporting social entrepreneurs reaching Ireland’s most underserved and under-represented communities to create transformational change
The Changing Ireland Accelerator is a twelve-month initiative for underserved social entrepreneurs needing support to accelerate their impact. SEI is delighted to work alongside INCO, who will provide funding of €60,000 to the successful social entrepreneurs.
Bespoke Support
Throughout the 12 months, you will work with SEI to support you in key areas of need. We provide one-to-one support, coaching and consultancy as well as group training, in areas such as leadership development, marketing and communications, governance, strategic planning, and finance.
Funding Available
Important Information & Announcements
The application period for the programme will begin on February 21st, 2023 and end on March 14th, 2023.
Successful Awardees will be appointed to the programme from June 2023.
More information about the Accelerator Programme will be released in 2023, which will include an Application Guide, key dates and FAQs.
Information Session
With support from:

Who is eligible?
- You are aged 18 years or over at the time of applying for the programme.
- You are the person (or people in the case of a partnership) leading the organisation – the main driver(s) and decision maker(s).
- The primary focus of your project is to benefit people in Ireland and your organisation is based on the island of Ireland.
- You have identified a social or environmental issue and developed a clear solution and effective business model to solve it effectively.
- Your solution is new or better than others in existence already in Ireland, is a proven working solution and is in a good position to scale.
- The organisation is benefitting underserved and/or underrepresented people in Ireland.
- You have the ambition to scale and grow the impact of your organisation beyond its current level, and have a plan to do so.
- You have clear and compelling evidence to demonstrate the social mission and impact of the organisation.
- You have been previously successful in raising or generating sufficient income to fully implement your solution at its current scale.
- Your organisation is incorporated with the relevant governing body, such as Companies Registration Office, Companies House or Charities Regulator.
- You are open and keen to engage with the learning and development opportunities provided through our Changing Ireland Accelerator Programme. The Programme will run from June 2023 – June 2024. This involves a time commitment of on average 3 to 5 days per month.
- You are available to attend the mandatory Selection Process events: in-person Judging Panel on 12th/13th April 2023 and an in-person final interview on 9th May 2023.
- You are willing to work on developing your organisation on a full-time basis (or equivalent if partnership) for the duration of the Programme.
Organisations who have completed a scale partnership with SEI in 2018-2022 are not eligible to apply for this round of the Changing Ireland Accelerator
We welcome applications from people of all backgrounds and we are committed to providing equal opportunities regardless of gender identity, marital status, family status, age, disability, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity or religion. (The Equal Status Acts 2000-2018)