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30 projects, 38 participants, three months of training and mentorship – Introducing Social Entrepreneurs Ireland 2023 Ideas Academy!

Over 130 people applied for a spot on the Ideas Academy, with only 30 places available on the three-month programme. Some of the projects in this year’s #SEIacademy include a platform revolutionizing housing solutions for people on the rental market, an app that enhances communication for individuals facing memory or communication challenges and a service providing free, sustainable period products.

The Ideas Academy is for those with an innovative early-stage idea to solve a social problem. It is a three-month programme and will provide participants with the support and direction they need as they take the first steps from idea to action. This programme is for people at a very early stage.

Speaking at the launch of the Ideas Academy, General Counsel of Bank of America Catherine May, shared some words of admiration and encouragement to this year’s participants Bank of America is the corporate partner of the Ideas Academy. 2023 marks the sixth anniversary of SEI and Bank of America’s partnership.

What’s different in this year’s Academy?

This year, the 2023 programme will be delivered online, with a hybrid community meet up mid-programme and in person graduation.

For the first time, participants have the opportunity to select a self-directed learning option, this will be facilitated by Moodle.

There are new and improved modules for this year’s programme, adapting to the ever-changing world of social entrepreneurship.

Training and support – Ideas Academy 2023

Eabha Harper McKeever is the Programme Manager and together with handpicked facilitators and the wider SEI team, she will provide guidance and direction to each participant to help them move from idea to action!

The modules included in this year’s programme will feature facilitators from a variety of backgrounds who will share up to date practices and industry knowledge.

Module 1: Understanding the Problem

Module 2: Refining the Solution

Module 3: Building a Social Business

Module 4: Sharing your Story

Each project selected for the Ideas Academy programme receives a bursary of €500. At the end of the programme all participants will have the opportunity to apply to pitch for a portion of seed funding of €20,000 to pilot their idea.

Meet this year’s Ideas Academy Participants

The 30 chosen for this year are developing solutions to various social problems. The solutions address pressing social issues within our communities and the work will contribute to Ireland’s progress towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.  

This year’s projects focus on Good Health & Wellbeing, Reducing Inequality, and Sustainable Cities and Community, to name a few.   

Take a look at all 30 of this year’s participants!

View the 2023 Ideas Academy Participants

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