Community Roots connect garden owners with garden-less budding growers living nearby and looking for a patch to grow their own food Problem Community Roots solution is designed to address three…
Conscious Connections is an initiative designed to provide alternative avenues for women from the LGBTQ+ community and non-binary individuals to connect through activities and events that promote health and well-being.…
Dedicated to working directly with communities to make science more accessible and understandable, breaking down the barriers that often keep people from engaging with scientific topics. The Problem The planet…
A movement to shift culture across our education system with neurodiversity-affirming film-based learning. Problem Around 20% of children think, learn or process differently. The reality is a culture and a…
Aiming to change the conversation about life after sexual violence through community and storytelling. The Problem Approximately 2 million people in Ireland have experienced sexual violence, which can profoundly impact…
Problem In 2022, Maynooth University and Trinity College published findings indicating that 42% of Irish adults met the diagnostic criteria for at least one mental health disorder. Among this cohort,…
Problem Social isolation and loneliness are more likely to be reported by older adults, people living with a physical, cognitive or sensory disability or condition (such as dementia or arthritis),…
Problem The problem that Learn Local seeks to address is food poverty and poor nutrition. In 2021, 445,890 people in Ireland experienced food poverty. The problem has two layers, causes…
Problem Homelessness in Ireland is a rapidly growing crisis, especially for families and children. In March 2023, the number of children living in emergency accommodations surged to 3,472, compared to…
Problem In Ireland, a small percentage of persons with Down syndrome (DS) are engaged in paid employment, with pre-pandemic estimates hovering at just 6%. For those fortunate enough to secure…