A digital media company who are on a mission to unify across differences through a unique blend of creative media and social psychology. GORM helps bridge connections and conversations across…
A software testing consultancy that recruits, trains, employs and provides job coaching supports to individuals on the autism spectrum.Adam Cowan is the founder of Eirenauts SECTOR Disability Employment COUNTY Galway…
Offering bespoke yoga teacher training to members of marginalised communities.Miriam and Maeve O'Reilly are the founders of BeWell SECTOR Health Ethnic Communities COUNTY Longford REGION Leinster WEBSITE Bewell.ie SEI JOURNEY…
A platform that aims to improve accessibility in the area of tourism which provides support in planning journeys quickly and catering for accessibility needs.Sean Croke and Natasha Gilmour are the…
Tackling the problem of sexual and physical abuse by delivering a school programme in the areas of confidence, personal space and respect.Carmel O'Dwyer is the founder of The Keep Me…
An online service dedicated to bringing timely news and information of interest and relevance to disabled people, their carers, family and friends.Douglas Dalby is the founder of WellAble SECTOR Disability…
A platform that equips and empowers college students and young adults from ethnic minorities to grow in every area of their lives.Esther Adesemowo and Favor Weyimi-Oboyo are the founders of…
Aiming to provide access to affordable instrument and ensemble tuition for every child in Ireland.Philip Casey is the founder of Music Port SECTOR Children and Young People Education COUNTY Dublin…
Empowering children's wellbeing by delivering skill building workshops and guidebooks in the areas of mindfulness, creativity and kindness.Sarah White and Julie Ahern are the co-founders of Kind Minds SECTOR Mental…
A therapeutic journal for healthcare professionals, providing tangible coping resources that will help mitigate psychological strain.Colm Coakley is the founder of I Helped SECTOR Mental Health and Wellbeing Health COUNTY…