Count on Us Recruitment is for Family Carers in the Republic of Ireland who are looking for part time employment around their caring commitments.Fiona O'Neill is the founder of Count…
Problem Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is the most prevalent, yet preventable neuro-developmental disability in Ireland. It affects almost 250,000 people living in Ireland, which has the third highest prevalence…
Education for Sustainability CLG is a non- profit social enterprise aimed at increasing climate literacy and fostering behaviour change in Ireland.Susan Adams is the founder of Education for Sustainability SECTOR…
The Little Fitness programme is inclusive for all children and families living in emergency accommodation, family hubs and where children may come up against barriers within their community. The programme…
First Fortnight is a charity that challenges mental health prejudice through arts and cultural action.David Keegan - Founder & Former CEO of First Fortnight SECTOR Mental Health and Wellbeing COUNTY Dublin…
Problem Brian-Michael and Bernard started the Ideas Academy programme with a question: “How do we enable the move to a more sustainable diet, reduce carbon emissions in our eating habits,…
Express YOUR Gender is committed to making social and economic life fully accessible to the transgender community in Ireland, through the provision of speech and language therapy and career development training…
Diapora Women's Initiative (DWI) is a charitable organisation that supports women of all ages who are affected by or infected with HIV/AIDS, or who are passionate about HIV/AIDS issues.Juliet Amamure…
An Online Survival Guide for Parents & Teachers of Gifted Children in IrelandMargaret Keane is the founder of SECTOR Children and Young People Support Service COUNTY Clare REGION Connaught…
Established in 2011 by a group of dedicated volunteers, Horn of Africa People’s Aid Northern Ireland was formed in response to a clear demand for support for refugees, asylum seekers,…