TSLI is a social enterprise delivering pre-employment training and pathways to employment for people seeking asylum in Ireland and partnering with organisations for delivery.Gavin Timlin is the founder of TSLI…
GOCOM Radio is a community radio social enterprise that creates, produces, and broadcast media content to provide valuable services for ethnic minorities and marginalised listeners.Islammiyah Saudique is the founder of…
Lib Multicultural Counselling and Support Programme offers free mental health support for adults and children from ethnic communitiesToufik Messabih is the founder of Lib SECTOR Mental Health and Wellbeing Ethnic…
AkiDwA is a National network of migrant women living in Ireland who fight racism & discrimination and promote integration and equality.Salome Mbugua Henry is the founder of AkiDwA and is…
Dignity Partnership is a social enterprise that aims at promoting self-employment and providing supports for people who are or have been in the Direct Provision System in Ireland. Rosemary Kunene is the founder of…
Mother Tongues creates and delivers training and informative resources in the areas of multiculturalism and bilingualism.Dr. Francesca La Morgia is the founder of Mother Tongues SECTOR Education Children and Young People COUNTY Dublin…
The Traveller Counselling Service provides culturally inclusive framework which respects Traveller culture, identity, values and norms and works from a perspective of culture centred counselling and psychotherapy. Thomas McCann is the…