Using a driving service to tackle isolation and increase the mental, emotional & physical health of older people in Ireland.Manuela Stephens is the founder of Elder on Board SECTOR Health…
Cultural awareness and competency training and toolkits to support social care workers working with members of the migrant community.Nessrine Zouai & Nichollar Dick are the founders of Cultural Competency SECTOR…
Using design-led thinking to develop tailored climate actions within a given community; from water conservation to habitat creation.Gobnait Ní Néill is the founder of The Grassroots Guild SECTOR Active Citizenship…
Empowering and educating parents from migrant backgrounds in Ireland.Lucy Alexia Dube is the founder of Alexia Press Hub SECTOR Education Ethnic Communities COUNTY Dublin REGION Leinster WEBSITE SEI JOURNEY…
Dara Hogan founded Fledglings Early Years to improve and open up the pathways of learning. It is now part of An Cosan.Dara Hogan, Fledglings Early Years SECTOR Education COUNTY Dublin…
Developing digital tools based on neuroscientific research that provide information on Early Childhood Trauma, offering arts workshops to integrate trauma-informed design principles.Jane McGovern is the founder of Walking Wounded SECTOR…
Providing nationwide low-cost therapeutic support to young transgender and nonbinary people and their families.Aoife Ryan is the founder of Trans Teens Ireland SECTOR Health Children and Young People COUNTY Dublin…
An education programme aiming to improve children’s health and wellbeing through introducing simple, positive daily habits, creating a ‘ripple effect’ into later life.Sharon Fennelly is the founder of The Ripple…
An online mental health community for peer-based support and distraction, where those with lived experience can seek and offer support.Muireann Walsh is the founder of The Good Limbo SECTOR Mental…
Hosting small group sessions which aim to increase health literacy amongst Ireland's refugee populations.Matt Casey and Fionn Donnelly are co-founders of Tar Isteach SECTOR Health Ethnic Communities COUNTY Dublin REGION…