Aiming to ensure equal access to education by addressing the accessibility of financial resources especially when taking part in third level education.Sean Dowling is the founder of Costs of College…
A self-development curriculum for schools that aims to instill confidence, ambition and self-esteem in young women.AmyKeane & Laura Corcoran are the founders of Worth It SECTOR Education COUNTY Mayo REGION…
Empowering young people to speak towards systems of oppression given the back drop of the Black Lives Matters movement.Chinedum Muotto is the founder of Disruptive Being SECTOR Education Ethnic Communities…
Aiming to alleviate the digital divide experienced by people living in Direct Provision hostels by donating computers and delivering accessible IT skills training.Natalia Nolan is the founder of Education Direct…
Aiming to foster a culture within schools where mental health awareness and recognition is prioritised, encouraged and supported.Sarah Lawlor is the founder of Headucation SECTOR Education COUNTY Dublin REGION Leinster…
Problem One in five students are dyslexic, and 1 in 10 young people leave school every year in Ireland unable to read. The current way students learn to read in…
Problem The Irish education system focuses on rote learning and transmission of knowledge, and very little on equipping students to think outside the box. Over 2000 students surveyed identified mental…
Bringing creative adult further education into small rural town communities.Annette Josephine Mulvihill and Lisa Sherringham are Co-founders of HAPPY C.A.F.E SECTOR Education Active Citizenship COUNTY Cavan REGION Ulster WEBSITE SEI…
Tackling the problem of sexual and physical abuse by delivering a school programme in the areas of confidence, personal space and respect.Carmel O'Dwyer is the founder of The Keep Me…
A platform that equips and empowers college students and young adults from ethnic minorities to grow in every area of their lives.Esther Adesemowo and Favor Weyimi-Oboyo are the founders of…