Community Roots connect garden owners with garden-less budding growers living nearby and looking for a patch to grow their own food Problem Community Roots solution is designed to address three…
A collection of everyday items that can be borrowed instead of bought to integrate communities whilst supporting sustainability and empowering meaningful culture change.Lucy Buckley is the founder of Allot SECTOR…
Providing an environmentally friendly solution for the hygiene industry by recycling disposable nappy waste into useable by products.Vivianne Mumo Mutulili is the founder of EireCycl LTD SECTOR Environment COUNTY Cork…
Empowering women by combating underrepresentation, promoting self-confidence and inclusivity and ensuring women feel valued and visible in their own stories.Sharon Huggard is the founder of Get in the Picture SECTOR…
Bridging the gap between climate concern and meaningful action by providing and facilitating easy access to fun and meaningful climate action activities.Niamh Fitzgibbon is the founder of No Planet B…
Developing a streamlined textile waste collection service for households, facilitating sorting and subsequent transportation of materials to textile recycling facilities.Nóirín Egan Byrne is the founder of Nori SECTOR Environment COUNTY Dublin…
Providing schools sustainability audits, calculating their carbon footprint, and providing education on sustainability and climate change to staff and students.Tadhg O'Donovan is the founder of Sustainable Schools Ireland SECTOR Environment…
Aiming to foster communication, inclusivity and social connection by utilising gardening as a means for exchanging stories and cultural knowledge, and stimulating hope and positive thoughts in people.Diletta Panero is…
Fostering empathy between caregivers and residents by providing a voice to people living in Nursing Homes who are unable to express themselves through recruiting, training, and supervising volunteers to serve…
Empowering citizens through education to enhance Ireland's circular economy performance and equipping individuals with the necessary skills for employment in this sector.Aodhan Newsholme is the founder of Inclusive Circular Economy…