Grace App is intended as a Picture Communication System that the User controls independently to create sentences which discriminate their needsLisa Domican is the founder of Grace App SECTOR Health…
Active Connections is Ireland’s leading activity-based intervention service for young people at risk. They offer rapid response support with a particular emphasis on avoiding family/foster/residential care home placement breakdown. Raymond Burke…
Mobility Mojo aim to be the most positive and effective agent of change in hotel accessibility, working hard to open the world to everyone. Stephen Cluskey and Noelle Daly are co-founders…
dabbledoo is an independent Irish company dedicated to providing primary schools with the resources, training and support to deliver high-quality and accessible arts and music education. They are a team…
Blossom Ireland has a vision to create an inclusive society for young people with intellectual disabilities, where these young people have the same opportunities as all other young people. Auveen…
CyberSafeKids are a national organisation working to empower children, parents and teachers to navigate the online world in a safe and responsible manner.Alex Cooney is the founder and CEO of…