Community Roots connect garden owners with garden-less budding growers living nearby and looking for a patch to grow their own food Problem Community Roots solution is designed to address three…
An online space exclusively for women aged between 30-55 years who utilise journaling and peer-to-peer support to help manage their day-to-day mental health challenges.Carol Geary is the founder of MYM…
A dedicated building consultancy service for the community and not-for-profit sector.Aodhan King is the founder of A Community Building Consultancy SECTOR Active Citizenship COUNTY Dublin REGION Leinster WEBSITE SEI JOURNEY…
A movement to shift culture across our education system with neurodiversity-affirming video-based learning.Sarah Colgan is the founder of All Rise SECTOR Disability Education COUNTY Dublin REGION Leinster WEBSITE SEI JOURNEY…
A collection of everyday items that can be borrowed instead of bought to integrate communities whilst supporting sustainability and empowering meaningful culture change.Lucy Buckley is the founder of Allot SECTOR…
Empowering clinicians to build & deploy AI tools, reducing bias from centralized datasets and leading to fairer healthcare for all.Marjia Siddik is the founder of Althical SECTOR Health COUNTY Dublin…
A platform designed to equip women from minority or disadvantaged backgrounds with the tools they need for their professional goals.Grace Oladipo is the founder of Audacity XX SECTOR Employment Ethnic…
Providing young people leaving state care with psychosocial support, hospitality training and mentorship that inspires, empowers, and builds confidence.Orla Gilroy is the founder of Training Space for People Leaving State…
Actively advocating, educating and promoting acts of kindness, igniting empathy to build a more socially connected Ireland, thereby reducing loneliness.Lisa Travers is the founder of IrelandKIND SECTOR Education COUNTY Dublin…
A support framework that protects and preserves the relationship between children and their loved ones in prison through the creation of communication programmes.Stephanie Connolly is the founder of Little Talks…