The Gathering 2022 interactive village featured 12 of SEI’s social entrepreneurs. Meet the twelve brilliant social entrepreneur–led organisations showcased from around the country who are dreaming big and taking action to build a better future for Ireland.
”There is nothing like a dream to create the future.
Victor Hugo
Social Entrepreneurs Ireland
The Gathering 2022
Social Entrepreneurs Ireland
The Gathering 2022
Our annual showcase and celebration of the work of Social Entrepreneurs Ireland and our community took place on Tuesday, November 22nd, 2022!
This year’s theme for The Gathering was ‘Hope for the Future –envisioning a better Ireland’ inspired by Victor Hugo’s quote “There’s nothing like a dream to create the future".
SEI believe that a more inclusive, sustainable, fairer Ireland is possible and that this can be achieved through the work of social entrepreneurs and the community of support built around them.
SEI encouraged guests to share what positive, hopeful visions they have for Ireland.

Highlights from the SEI Gathering 2022 "Our dreams create the future''
Highlights from the SEI Gathering 2022 "Our dreams create the future''
Meet the social entrepreneurs of The Future Village

Shapes of Grief is offering the only training of its kind in Ireland and abroad, to address the dearth in Grief Training among healthcare professionals. The award-winning programme delivers a comprehensive 35-hour in-depth training in grief and loss, as well as other resources for individuals, mental health professionals and healthcare workers worldwide.
The vision is to create a world where young people are actively engaged in taking action for sustainable development by making environmental education & sustainability a fundamental part of the national curriculum
Active Connections is Ireland’s leading activity-based intervention service for young people at risk. They offer rapid response support with a particular emphasis on avoiding family/foster/residential care home placement breakdown
Property Marking Ireland is a crime prevention program which allows An Garda Siochana to detect, identify, and return stolen property or lost property to its rightful owner through a mixture of marking goods and property with a specially designed machine and the provision of signage at community, premises and property item levels.

Founded in 2008, GIY supports people around the world to live healthier, happier and more sustainable lives by growing some of their own food. The mission is to educate and enable a global movement of food growers whose collective actions will help to rebuild a sustainable food system.
Spéire Nua assists people to rebuild their lives after criminal conviction through identifying the necessary supports available to them, their families and people that have been victims of criminal behaviour.
Active Connections is Ireland’s leading activity-based intervention service for young people at risk. They offer rapid response support with a particular emphasis on avoiding family/foster/residential care home placement breakdown
Together, Prepare Me & AsIAm have built an online platform which will increase our impact in Ireland and further afield and we will launch this service in 2023.
The existence of a preparation resource alone allows a child, adult and family to truly feel SEEN, WELCOME & VALUED.
Meet the latest social entrepreneurs to join our community
Meet the latest social entrepreneurs who have joined the SEI community. These social innovators are tackling social issues across areas such as education, sustainability and mental health.

Meet three pairings brought together by SEI
We have an amazing community of social entrepreneurs and a hugely supportive and passionate group of corporates, individuals and foundations who give their time and expertise so generously.
See below three pairings which have been formed through the SEI community!
We couldn’t do what we do without the support of our community.
Thank you to our network of individual supporters, corporate supporters and philanthropic foundations who provide a combination of direct funding, skills and expertise to advance the work of Social Entrepreneurs Ireland and grow the impact of the social entrepreneurs that we support. Our supporters are as passionate about backing people with ideas and solving social problems, as we are!
The SEI Gathering 2022 is supported by DCC plc and the Dormant Accounts Fund. This project was approved by Government with support from the Dormant Accounts Fund.

The SEI Gathering 2022 is supported by DCC plc and the Dormant Accounts Fund. This project was approved by Government with support from the Dormant Accounts Fund.